The course will be 'done directly by Amnon Maor - founder and leader of the KMM Universita' Israeli military defense of the arts and world leader for the methods and techniques concerning the selfdefense. The course will have 'a period of days. 7 during which you will learn in detail a number of highly qualified technical issues and to begin the path of Instructor of Krav Maga Maor. The training methods and psycho-physical training using the methods and protocols of Krav Maga Maor selfdefense student teacher prepares for the future according to the specifications adopted in the global centers of excellence for personal defense.
Courses - Instructors KMM
Krav Maga Maor Selfdefense Italia
Registro Nazionale A.S.D. n°121099
Registro C.S.A.IN n*EPSCSAIN234397
© A.S.D. KRAV MAGA DEFENSE ITALIA P.IVA: 11127791009 C.F.: 97601370584