Secondly, while it reinforces the actions of the user’s hand (and protects his/her fingers), it does not cause permanent damage, but mainly instant pain a kind of brief shock. Third, it does not drop from the hand, when that is opened in order to grasp or push the assailant. Fourth, it does not require long and complex training; a brief basic training enables the user to make use of the tool while carrying out instinctive or other self-defense moves which he would do anyway. Dimensions:Length: 14 cm. -Width: 7.5 cm. - Thickness: 1.5 cm. Weight: 150 gram - Material: Rigid plastic Instruction: Basic course: Intended for the public at large. 1 day, 6 hrs. Imparts basic knowledge and skills. Instructors course: For qualified martial arts instructors. Weekend (2 days), 12 hrs. Includes principles of proper instruction, movement, blows, defenses, release from grips and final exam. Course for security personnel, policemen, bodyguards: Weekend (2 days), 12 hrs. Enhances knowledge of and experience with the tool, using it for control and additional skills.
Courses - Handshock KMM
Krav Maga Maor Selfdefense Italia
Registro Nazionale A.S.D. n°121099
Registro C.S.A.IN n*EPSCSAIN234397
© A.S.D. KRAV MAGA DEFENSE ITALIA P.IVA: 11127791009 C.F.: 97601370584
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